I never thought that I would consider going home to be a vacation but that was what it was. Two and a half weeks of catching up with everyone and eating and drinking. Safe to say I gained a few pounds from this trip... and I'm not talking about Great British Pounds. It was really nice to see everyone and I've been reminded of how lucky I am to have such amazing and wonderful people in my life. As usual, there was never a dull moment, whether it was my car not starting due to a dead battery, or going to a Canucks game, or going snow tubing, or even devoting an entire night to Spicy Caesars. Saying goodbye to everyone this time around was a little different as I'm not 100% sure when I'll be seeing everyone again. Of course, my visa will expire come May of 2016 so you know I'll for sure be back by then. But I'm still deciding on a definitive time to come home and there's a few factors that will decide that, one of them being how much travelling I can get done. There's still so many places I want to see but it can get complicated with getting time off work and of course, money. I think the 6 months in 2014 was very 'go-with-the-flow' whereas I think 2015 is going to have to be a bit more planned in order to get everything done that I want to get done.
As I write this post, I am currently jet lagged and this is hopefully keeping me awake. It's only 8:50pm and I'm about to pass out. Before I leave, I thought I would humour you with some notable differences between London and Vancouver. I realize there are probably quite a few more things I'm missing but here's a simple list.
Who does it better?
Drying clothes: Vancouver - I'm amazed at the limited existence of dryers in the UK. It's not like it's always sunny here and we can dry our clothes outside!!
Groceries: London - Leave out the exchange rate but wow doing groceries is soooo much cheaper here. I rarely have much on my bill that is over £2.00
Tap water: Vancouver - You can probably guess why.
Transit: London - Let's just say, you do not need a car in London.
Things to do/Frequency of places to eat & drink: London
Movie popcorn: Vancouver - They don't put butter on their popcorn over here????
Stick deodorant: Vancouver - For some odd reason, it's all body spray or antiperspirant over here. No regular deodorant except for these tiny little roller versions of them.
Post/Delivery: London - If I order something online, it comes to my front door in like 2 days.
Other notable differences:
-There seems to be an extreme amount of Fried Chicken shops in London.
-London always seems to be windy.
-In London, the price you see is the price you pay. None of this $7.99 plus tax junk!
-Vancouver has eggnog, maple bacon, caesars, and better peanut butter.
-Songza is not available in the UK...
Pretty even match-up, I would say.
In a month, I'll be travelling to Prague, Berlin, and Amsterdam for a week tour. Can't wait!