Saturday, 20 September 2014

3 Months

Yesterday marked 3 months of me being here in London and I'm quite astounded by how quickly time has flown by. It feels like yesterday that I arrived here but strangely feels like a lifetime ago that I left home. More and more everyday, I miss home and the people that come along with it but more and more everyday, my love for this city grows (don't worry Mom, I'm still coming home). The other night, I went and saw Shakespeare's 'Comedy of Errors' at the Globe Theatre, and while I had to stand the whole time, it was all part of the experience, which was amazing. Before and after my friends and I attended, we took note of all the cool bars, pubs, and restaurants around the area as we had yet to venture over this way. You must remember that while the Globe Theatre is considered central, London is huge and I feel that I haven't even scratched the surface yet. My friends have told me a saying they have called "Heathrow Injection" and it refers to a metaphor for the weight one inevitably gains when one migrates to London for an extended stay. I have to agree with this saying simply because, like the other night, I am constantly finding new bars & pubs or constantly being shown them and therefore, how am I supposed to just go home right after work!? There is just never a shortage of something to do in this city...or maybe, never a shortage of booze to drink...

I am now settled into my new flat and it's going well. My flatmates and I have 'flat dinners' every Monday where one of us is forced to cook a meal for the 4 of us and it forces us to sit and eat together as well. I think it's brilliant (yes, I said brilliant) because we are actually comfortable talking to each other and do not hesitate to come out of our rooms every now and then. It is quite common here to be part of a flat where everyone literally stays in there room the whole time unless to go out or go to the kitchen. This was the case in my previous flat. Other than that, it is great as well because I am by a tube station that has the 'District Line' which has a lot of popular stops on it for central London.

Next weekend, I am headed to Munich for Oktoberfest. It is 5 day trip, although I feel half of it will be spent on taking a return coach! Not sure if I am looking forward to that part of the trip...especially on the way back. At the moment, there are no trips planned for the month of October. Perhaps this is a good thing while I try to get the numbers back up in my bank account. November, I am possibly planning a weekend trip to Wales! I'm not sure if it was a big story back home, but Scotland had a referendum this last Thursday to gain independence from the UK. 55% of Scotland voted to stay with the UK and I believe it was a happy day for many Brits as I cannot imagine all the ramifications that would go along with Scotland being independent. Just think about the UK flag to begin with! It was curious as well as I know it was a happy day back in BC at the same time with the teacher strike being over. Glad to hear! Also glad to hear my brother is home, safe and sound after being part of Hurricane Odile in Cabo. I hope everyone back home is doing good as well. Ta (as they like to say here).